How Much Does a Virtual Assistant Cost?


Congratulations on growing your team! Adding team members can have a huge impact on the success of your business. Still, it can feel scary to add another expense to your plate. When it comes to the cost of hiring a VA, you’ll need to take into consideration their experience level, their specialized skillset(s), their professionalism, and whether they are an individual VA or part of a team. 

Remember: Hiring help is not an expense - it’s an investment in the long-term growth and success of your business. 


After building my company over the last 10+ years, I’ve had every conversation imaginable about the cost of VA services. Some business owners balk at the price and others don’t bat an eye. Some want to see every fee broken down and others just sign on the dotted line. 

To be honest, I don’t mind having conversations about cost. I’m more than happy to explain the thought process that goes into the cost of services we provide as a professional VA team. I would rather have someone fully understand the value of what we provide.

So if you’re wondering how much a virtual assistant costs, here are the factors to consider: 

Experience: A virtual assistant with more experience is typically able to provide a higher level of service due to having a deeper understanding of their clients' needs and expectations. With experience, VAs can anticipate their clients' needs and provide proactive support, reducing the need for micromanagement from the client. Clients can often save time and money by working with an experienced VA who requires less training and can complete tasks more efficiently. Clients also experience fewer onboarding headaches with an experienced VA!

Skillset: The more specialized a task, the more value a VA can provide. For example, if a client needs help with graphic design, they will want to work with a VA who specializes in that area. Specialized skills often require additional training and experience, which can justify a higher rate. This includes copywriting and systems implementation, too. On the other hand, basic administrative tasks may require less specialized skills, resulting in a lower rate.

Professionalism: The level of professionalism a VA exhibits can also impact their rates. A VA who invests in their business and presents themselves in a professional manner, such as having a website, business insurance, and efficient systems, is more likely to charge higher rates. Professionalism is often associated with a higher level of quality and reliability, which can be valuable to clients. 

Individual vs team: When deciding between an individual VA and a VA team, it's important to consider the benefits of each. While an individual VA may charge less, they may not be able to provide the same level of backup support or specialized expertise as a VA team. A VA team can offer backup support and a wider range of specialized skills, so their rates may be higher due to the additional resources and oversight required to manage a team. VA teams thoroughly vet every team member before matching them with clients, which often provides a better client experience. 

As you're considering hiring a VA to support your business, it's important to evaluate your specific needs and goals to determine which factors are most important to you. By doing so, you can choose a VA that is the right fit for your business and budget.

If you’re curious about how my particular VA team works, I invite you to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consultation! Our team at Melissa Swink & Co. has years of experience and expertise in various areas of business support and can help you achieve your goals while freeing up your time.

If you’re a current client of Melissa Swink & Co., please feel free to reach out to me via email if you’d like to review the tasks and projects you’re sending our way and discover additional ways we can support you as you grow your business. We're committed to providing top-notch support and helping our clients succeed for the long term.


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